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Molly – Animal Protection Laws Should Change

Molly the Pig

A Vietnamese Potbelly Pig, named Molly, came from an abused background and ended up at the BC SPCA. After nursing her back to health, the BC SPCA was ready to adopt her out to her forever home. The new owner, “Austin Manson Forget”, appeared legitimate, and he adopted her. Last week, Mr. Forget alleged that Molly was aggressive toward his other pets. Instead of returning her to, or at least discussing her alleged “aggression” with, the SPCA, Mr. Forget killed and ate her. He further made a mockery of the situation by posting the preparation of Molly’s meat on social media. There is no question that many people are (rightfully) outraged by this heinous act. People may not realize that Mr. Forget did not actually do anything illegal. In Canada, because pets are considered property, it is legal to kill one’s pet, so long as it is done in a humane manner. Let Molly’s death be a strong reminder that the laws in Canada need to change to reflect the modern view that animals need better protection. Mr. Forget, and people like him, should not get away with needlessly killing an animal.

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